產品訊息及更新 (XE6)

News 2014

XE6 Update Subscription 2015/10/22 產品更新 (一年更新維護服務有效期內的用戶免費更新)

This update brings a backport of RAD Studio XE8 continued maintenance, bug fixes, performance and feature improvements to RAD Studio XE6.

ID: 30430, October 2015 XE6 Update Subscription Update (367 MB)

RAD Studio XE6 處理 BMP 文件安全漏洞 2014/10/10 更新

ID: 29913, BMP Buffer Overflow hotfix - Delphi, C++Builder, RAD Studio XE6

RAD Studio XE6 & Delphi XE6 (Pro with Mobile and up) 的用戶,請您從下列連結下載更新:

ID: 30013, PAServer HotFix for Delphi XE6 and RAD Studio XE6


Performance Comparison from Delphi 2010 to Delphi XE6 (Conclusion)

Release Notes for XE6 Update 1

XE6 - Android Devices Supported for Application Development & Android Emulator

RAD Studio 支援的 Android 平台必須是 ARM CPU,不支援 Intel CPU,而且要支援 NEON 指令集。
RAD Studio不支援以下設備:
‧Honeycomb (Android 3.x)
‧Gingerbread emulator
‧Tegra 2 devices (NEON support is required)

一套原碼通吃所有行動平台原生開發 (iThome)

Hotfix 1 for RAD Studio, Delphi, C++Builder XE6

Delphi XE6 and C++Builder XE6 ISO 完整程式下載

RAD Studio XE5 HTML5 Builder ISO

RAD Studio XE6 - Android and iOS 程式碼範例

RAD STUDIO XE6 - 第三方組件及工具更新

RAD Studio Webinars

What's New in Delphi and C++Builder XE6

Embarcadero RAD NewsFlash Newsletter - April 2014

First Look:RAD Studio XE6, Delphi XE6 and C++Builder XE6